44 surestart herbicide label
Resicore® XL Corn Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience™ Resicore® XL herbicide is a pre-plant, pre- and post-emergence corn herbicide that boasts three proven, powerful modes of action and offers farmers increased crop safety and application flexibility on corn up to 24 inches in height. It controls more than 75 of the toughest broadleaf and grass weeds. 2020 Take Action Herbicide Classification Chart SURESTART II acetochlor Surpass NXT 15 clopyralid Stinger 4 flumetsulam Python 2 SURVEIL flumioxazin Valor 14 cloransulam FirstRate 2 SYNCHRONY XP chlorimuron Classic 2 thifensulfuron Harmony 2 TALINOR bromoxynil Maestro 6 bicyclopyrone ––––– 27 TAVIUM dicamba XtendiMax 4 s-metholachlor Dual Magnum 15 TRIPLEFLEX II acetochlor Harness ...
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Surestart herbicide label
Corteva Agriscience™ | Global Corteva Agriscience™ is a publicly traded, global pure-play agriculture company that provides farmers around the world with the most complete portfolio in the industry Dry Bean Production Guide | NDSU Agriculture and Extension Table 11. Herbicide weed control guide for dry edible beans. Herbicide. Product/A (ai/A) Weeds. When to Apply. Remarks. Soil-applied Herbicides. Eptam (EPTC) 3.5 to 4.5 pt EC. 15 to 20 lb G (3 to 4 lb) Grass and some broadleaf weeds. Poor wild oat and no wild mustard control. PPI. PPI immediately after application. Consult label for rate range ... Acuron - Herbicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US * When applied preemergence and at full label rates. Acuron yield advantage range based on 2016 Syngenta and University trials comparing Acuron to Corvus ®, Resicore ®, SureStart ® II and Verdict ®. For more information on Acuron versus an individual product, ask your Syngenta representative.
Surestart herbicide label. Pesticide Storage, Application and Rainfast Times – Ag PhD Please check the label for the current and most correct information about each product. ... SURESTART: 62719-570: N/A: 15: NO MIN: 10 TO 20: 15-40: SURESTART II ... Acuron - Herbicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US * When applied preemergence and at full label rates. Acuron yield advantage range based on 2016 Syngenta and University trials comparing Acuron to Corvus ®, Resicore ®, SureStart ® II and Verdict ®. For more information on Acuron versus an individual product, ask your Syngenta representative. Dry Bean Production Guide | NDSU Agriculture and Extension Table 11. Herbicide weed control guide for dry edible beans. Herbicide. Product/A (ai/A) Weeds. When to Apply. Remarks. Soil-applied Herbicides. Eptam (EPTC) 3.5 to 4.5 pt EC. 15 to 20 lb G (3 to 4 lb) Grass and some broadleaf weeds. Poor wild oat and no wild mustard control. PPI. PPI immediately after application. Consult label for rate range ... Corteva Agriscience™ | Global Corteva Agriscience™ is a publicly traded, global pure-play agriculture company that provides farmers around the world with the most complete portfolio in the industry
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